Petite Suisse Country Club


Petite Suisse Country Club

Golf Resorts and Real Estate Luxembourg S.à.rl – Golf de Christnach

46, Am Lahr

7641 Chrëschtnach

Groussherzogtum Lëtzebuerg

Telefonsnummer: +352 87 83 83


Matricule: 2014 2413 427

TVA Identifikatioun Zuel: LU35721255

CS: B185866 - AE N°10167629/0

Geschäftsführer: Här Patrick Leske

Legal Form: Société à responsabilité limitée

Iwwerwaachungsautoritéit: Wirtschaftsministère, Lëtzebuerg

Link op d'EU Kommissioun's Online Dispute Resolution Platform:

Privatsphär Politik

1. Aféierung

Mir verpflichte Är perséinlech Donnéeën ze schützen an Är Privatsphär ze respektéieren.
Dës Privatsphär Politik erklärt wéi mir Är perséinlech Informatioun sammelen, benotzen a verëffentlechen, an Är Rechter a Bezuch op dës Informatioun.

2. Datekontroller

Petite Suisse Country Club, 46, Am Lahr, 7641 Christnach, Grand-Duché de Luxembourg

3. Perséinlech Donnéeën Mir sammelen

Mir kënnen déi folgend Donnéeën iwwer Iech sammelen a veraarbecht: Kontaktinformatioun: Numm, E-Mail Adress, Telefonsnummer, Postadress. Benotzungsdaten: Informatioun iwwer wéi Dir eis Websäit, Produkter a Servicer benotzt. Marketingdaten: Är Virléiften fir Marketinginformatioun vun eis ze kréien.

4. Wéi Mir sammelen Är Donnéeën

Mir sammelen Daten: Direkt vun Iech wann Dir Formulairen op eiser Websäit ausfëllt, Iech op eise Servicer abonnéiert oder eis kontaktéiert. Automatesch wéi Dir eis Websäit benotzt (zB Benotzungsdaten, déi iwwer Cookien gesammelt ginn).

5. Wéi Mir benotzen Är Donnéeën

Mir benotzen Är perséinlech Donnéeën fir: Eis Servicer ubidden an ze verwalten. Verbessert eis Websäit a Servicer. Schéckt Iech Marketingkommunikatioun (wann Dir Iech gewielt hutt fir se ze kréien). Konform mat legal Obligatiounen.

6. Juristesch Basis fir Veraarbechtung

Mir veraarbecht Är perséinlech Donnéeën op Basis vun de folgende legale Grënn: Är Zoustëmmung. Leeschtung vun engem Kontrakt mat Iech. Konformitéit mat gesetzleche Verpflichtungen. Eis legitim Interessen (zB fir eis Servicer ze verbesseren an d'Sécherheet vun eiser Websäit ze garantéieren).

7. Donnéeën Deele

Mir kënnen Är perséinlech Donnéeën deelen mat: Déngschtleeschter déi eis hëllefen eist Geschäft ze bedreiwen (zB IT Déngschtleeschter, Marketing Agenturen). Autoritéiten wann duerch Gesetz verlaangt.

8. International Transfere

Är perséinlech Donnéeë kënnen a Länner ausserhalb vum Europäesche Wirtschaftsraum (EEA) transferéiert a veraarbecht ginn. Mir suergen dofir datt esou Transfere am Aklang mat Dateschutzgesetzer duerchgefouert ginn an entspriechend Sécherheetsmoossnamen op der Plaz sinn.

9. Daten Sécherheet

Mir implementéieren entspriechend technesch an organisatoresch Moossname fir Är perséinlech Donnéeën virun onerlaabten Zougang, Notzung oder Offenbarung ze schützen.

10. Dateschutz

Mir behalen Är perséinlech Donnéeën sou laang wéi néideg fir d'Ziler ze erfëllen, fir déi se gesammelt goufen a fir gesetzlech Verpflichtungen z'erhalen.

11. Är Rechter

Dir hutt d'Recht op: Zougang zu Äre perséinlechen Donnéeën. Korrektur ongenau oder onkomplett Donnéeën. Läschen Är perséinlech Donnéeën. Beschränken d'Veraarbechtung vun Ären Donnéeën. Objet géint d'Veraarbechtung vun Ären Donnéeën. Dateportabilitéit. Huelt Är Zoustëmmung zu all Moment zréck (wou d'Veraarbechtung op Zoustëmmung baséiert). Logéiert eng Plainte mat enger Iwwerwaachungsautoritéit.

12. Cookien

Mir benotze Cookien fir Är Erfahrung op eiser Websäit ze verbesseren. Fir méi Informatiounen iwwer eis Benotzung vu Cookien, kuckt w.e.g. op eis Cookie Politik.

13. Ännerungen an dëser Dateschutzerklärung Politik

Mir kënnen dës Dateschutzpolitik vun Zäit zu Zäit aktualiséieren. All Ännerunge ginn op dëser Säit gepost, a wa passend, Iech per E-Mail matgedeelt.

14. Kontaktéiert eis

Wann Dir Froen iwwer dës Dateschutzpolitik oder eis Datepraktiken hutt, da kontaktéiert eis w.e.g. op: E-Mail:

Legal Notice

To align the provided legal notice with Luxembourgish law specifically, we can adjust it by focusing on key areas regulated under Luxembourg's data protection laws, which align closely with the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Here’s how the text might be adapted:

Privacy Policy

Your expectations of our product and service quality set the benchmark for how we handle your data. Our objective is to foster and maintain a trustworthy business relationship with our customers and prospects. The protection and confidentiality of your personal data are of paramount importance to us.

Privacy Notice

The data controller, according to the General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR") and Luxembourg's data protection laws, is:

Petite Suisse Country Club ASBL and Golf Resorts and Real Estate Luxembourg Sàrl
46 Am Lahr, L-7641 Christnach, Luxembourg

Represented by Managing Director: Patrick LESKE, Engineer

Registered in the Luxembourg Trade and Companies Register under No.: B185866

Data Protection Officer

Meilbrücker Straße 8, 54636 Idenheim, Germany


We value your visit to our websites and your interest in our offerings. Protecting your personal data is a critical concern for us. In these privacy notices, we detail the manner in which we collect, handle, and use your personal data, the purposes of such processes, their legal bases, and the rights and claims available to you under Luxembourg law.

Our privacy notices for website usage do not cover your activities on the websites of social networks or other providers accessed via links from our websites. We encourage you to review the privacy policies on those websites.


a. Visiting our websites triggers the storage of specific information such as the browser and operating system used, visit time and date, access status, use of website features, search terms, frequency of webpage visits, names of retrieved files, data volumes transferred, source and subsequent destination websites after visiting ours. For security purposes, notably to prevent and detect attacks or fraud attempts, your IP address and the name of your Internet Service Provider are stored for seven days.

b. Other personal data are processed only when you provide such data, e.g., during registration, via a contact form, chat, survey, contest, or in contract execution. In these instances, data processing is limited to what is permissible under the consents you have granted (including for international data transfers as noted in item 12) or as allowed by applicable legal provisions, including Luxembourg's data protection laws (see item 7).

c. You are not obliged to provide personal data by law or contract. However, some website functions may rely on the provision of personal data. If you choose not to provide necessary data, certain functionalities may be unavailable or limited.


a. Personal data collected during your website visits are used to enhance user experience and protect our IT systems from illegal actions.

b. If you supply additional personal data via registration, forms, surveys, contests, or contracts, we use this data for customer management, transaction processing, and billing as necessary.

c. We may use personal data for additional purposes, such as displaying personalized content or advertising based on user behavior, provided you consent via our Consent Management System.

d. We also process personal data as legally required (e.g., for compliance with commercial or tax laws, or following governmental or judicial orders).


a. Our websites may feature third-party offers. By clicking on such offers, we transmit necessary data to the respective provider.

b. We use "social plug-ins" from networks like Facebook and Twitter by initially disabling them to prevent data transmission. Activation occurs only upon your action, which connects directly to the network server, potentially linking the visit to your account if logged in.

c. Activating a link or social plug-in may transmit personal data to non-EU countries. Please consider this before activating any link or plug-in.


a. Our websites use cookies to improve your experience. These may include HTML cookies, Web/DOM Storage, and Local Shared Objects (or "Flash cookies").

b. The use and management of cookies depend on your browser settings, which can be adjusted to refuse non-essential cookies. You can delete existing cookies via browser settings.


We employ technical and organizational measures to protect your data from manipulation, loss, destruction, or unauthorized access, continually updating these measures in line with technological advancements.


a. Processing based on your consent, contract fulfillment, legal obligations, or our legitimate interests (like direct marketing and IT security) is grounded in GDPR and Luxembourg law.


We delete your IP address and the name of your Internet Service Provider, which we store for security reasons, after seven days. Otherwise, we delete your personal data as soon as the purpose for which the data was collected and processed is no longer applicable. Storage beyond this point only occurs as far as required by laws, regulations, or other legal provisions to which we are subject in the EU or in third countries, provided there is an adequate level of data protection. If deletion is not possible in individual cases, the relevant personal data will be marked with the aim of limiting their future processing.


a. As a data subject, you have the right to access (Art. 15 GDPR), correction (Art. 16 GDPR), deletion (Art. 17 GDPR), restriction of processing (Art. 18 GDPR), and data portability (Art. 20 GDPR).

b. If you have consented to the processing of your personal data by us, you have the right to withdraw that consent at any time. The legality of the processing of your personal data until revocation is not affected by the revocation. Further processing of this data based on another legal basis, such as to fulfill legal obligations, also remains unaffected.

c. Right to object: You have the right to object at any time, for reasons arising from your particular situation, to the processing of your personal data, which is based on Art. 6 Para. 1 e) GDPR (data processing in the public interest) or Art. 6 Para. 1 f) GDPR (data processing on the basis of a balance of interests). If you object, we will only further process your personal data if we can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for the processing that override your interests, rights, and freedoms, or for the establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims.

d. We kindly ask you to direct your claims or declarations to the following contact address whenever possible: datenschutz[at]

e. If you believe that the processing of your personal data violates legal requirements, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a competent data protection supervisory authority (Art. 77 GDPR).


If you subscribe to a newsletter offered on our website, the data provided at the time of registration will be used only for sending the newsletter, unless you consent to further use. You can cancel the subscription at any time using the unsubscribe option provided in the newsletter.


a. When using service providers (see item 4.d) and transferring data with your consent to third parties (see item 3.c), personal data may be transferred to and processed in countries outside the European Union (EU), Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway (European Economic Area), especially to the USA and India.

b. The following countries have been deemed by the EU to provide an adequate level of data protection (adequacy decision): Andorra, Argentina, Canada (limited), Faroe Islands, Guernsey, Israel, Isle of Man, Japan, Jersey, New Zealand, Switzerland, South Korea, Uruguay, United Kingdom. With recipients in other countries, we apply EU standard contractual clauses, binding corporate rules, or other permissible mechanisms to create an adequate level of protection according to legal requirements. We are happy to provide more information on this through the contact details mentioned in item 9.d above.

c. If you consent in our Consent Management System, your consent also applies to the transfer of data to recipients in countries outside the European Economic Area where there is no adequate level of data protection. Information on the transmitted data, data recipients, or categories of data recipients, and the relevant countries can be found in our Consent Management System. In these countries, there may be no data protection law comparable to that of the European Economic Area, possibly affecting data subject rights and the ability to pursue data protection violations, among other things. Public authorities in these countries might access and use the data for different purposes more easily than in the European Economic Area. These circumstances may only be partially mitigated by special measures.

Cookies Politik

1. Aféierung

Cookies Politik erkläert wat Cookien sinn, wéi mir se benotzen, d'Zorte vu Cookien déi mir benotzen, d'Informatioun déi mir sammelen mat Cookien a wéi dës Informatioun benotzt gëtt.

2. Wat sinn Cookien?

Cookies si kleng Textdateien déi op Ärem Apparat (Computer, Tablet, Smartphone, etc.) gespäichert ginn wann Dir eng Websäit besicht. Si hëllefen d'Websäit Ären Apparat z'erkennen an d'Informatioun iwwer Äre Besuch z'erënneren, wéi Är Virléiften a vergaangen Aktiounen.

3. Wéi benotze mir Cookien

Mir benotze Cookien fir:

Verbessert d'Funktionalitéit an d'Leeschtung vun eiser Websäit.
Erënnert Är Astellungen an Astellungen.
Analyséiert wéi eis Websäit benotzt gëtt fir seng Leeschtung a Benotzererfarung ze verbesseren.
Bitt personaliséierten Inhalt a Reklammen.
Erliichtert sécher Transaktiounen.

4. Zorte vu Cookien mir benotzen

Mir benotzen déi folgend Zorte vu Cookien:

Essential Cookien: Dës Cookien sinn néideg fir datt d'Websäit richteg funktionnéiert. Si erméiglechen Basisfunktiounen wéi Säitnavigatioun an Zougang zu séchere Beräicher vun der Websäit.

Leeschtung Cookien: Dës Cookien sammelen Informatioun iwwer wéi Dir eis Websäit benotzt, wéi wéi eng Säiten Dir am meeschten besicht. Dës Informatioun gëtt benotzt fir d'Performance an d'Funktionalitéit vun der Websäit ze verbesseren.

Funktionell Cookien: Dës Cookien erlaben der Websäit Är Choixen a Virléiften (wéi Är Sprooch oder Regioun) ze erënneren fir eng méi personaliséiert Erfahrung ze bidden.

Targeting / Reklammen Cookien: Dës Cookien gi benotzt fir Reklammen ze liwweren déi relevant sinn fir Iech an Är Interessen. Si hëllefen och d'Effizienz vu Werbekampagnen ze moossen.

5. Verwalte Cookien

Dir kënnt Cookien duerch Äre Browser Astellunge verwalten oder läschen. Déi meescht Browser erlaben Iech:

Kuckt wat Cookien Dir hutt a läscht se op individuell Basis.
Blockéiert Drëtt Partei Cookien.
Block Cookien vu bestëmmte Siten.
Blockéiert datt all Cookien gesat ginn.
Läscht all Cookien wann Dir Äre Browser zoumaacht.

Wann Dir Cookien blockéiert oder läscht, kënnt Dir net all d'Features vun eiser Websäit benotzen, a verschidde Säiten kënnen net richteg ugewise ginn.

6. Ännerungen an dëser Cookien Politik

Mir kënnen eis Cookie Politik vun Zäit zu Zäit aktualiséieren. Mir informéieren Iech iwwer all Ännerungen andeems Dir déi nei Cookie Politik op dëser Säit postt. Dir sidd ugeroden dës Cookie Politik periodesch fir all Ännerungen ze iwwerpréiwen.

7. Kontaktéiert eis

Wann Dir Froen zu dëser Cookie-Politik hutt, da kontaktéiert eis w.e.g. op: E-Mail: